We launched the European Federation for Science Journalism!

After a long gestation, the European Federation for Science Journalism was officially launched in Lausanne, Switzerland, during the World Conference of Science Journalists WCSJ2019.The presidents of all the seven founding associations – from France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russian Federation, Switzerland and the UK – met during a lively general…

Investigative science journalism and uncertainty at WCSJ 2013 Helsinki

I took part in the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists held in Helsinki (Finland) in June 2013, <a href="http://wcsj2013 like this.org/making-sense-uncertainty/" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'outbound-article', 'http://wcsj2013.org/making-sense-uncertainty/', 'discussing about uncertainty in a panel organised by Sense about Science']);" target="_blank">discussing about uncertainty in a panel organised by Sense about Science, and contributing to…