Editorial Services

For Fondazione Umberto Veronesi and Il Sole 24 Ore: ideation and production of the 12-volume health encyclopedia “Guida alla Salute” distributed in the newsstands along with the daily Il Sole 24 Ore.

For Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (now Fondazione AIRC): editorial and scientific supervision of the magazine Fondamentale, with production of several texts and interviews.

For Fondazione Umberto Veronesi and Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera: ideation and production of the 16-volume encyclopedia on health prevention “Guida alla Prevenzione” distributed in the newsstands along with the daily Corriere della Sera.

For UTET Scienze Mediche: production and revision of several editorial projects for MDs (revision and update of the Medical Dictionary Italian/English and English/Italian, Interactive clinical cases on Alzheimer’s disease for neurologists, among others) and for the general audience, such as scientific supervision of the update of the 2-volume Dizionario Medico published in the Biblioteca del sapere Corriere della Sera/UTET; supervision of the update of the Grande Enciclopedia Medica for la Repubblica&L’Espresso

For NextHealth editore: ideation and production of the monthly journal “Il Giornale Italiano del Medico di Famiglia” focused on continuing medical ediucation, of the website ilmedicodifamiglia.it and of several online courses for MDs, and particularly for general practitioners.

For DeAgostini: scientific supervision of the update of the medicine section of the Enciclopedia GeDeA per il pubblico. Revision and update of the Dizionario medico for La Biblioteca di Repubblica.

For Adis International/Wolters Kluwer Health: production of several publications for health professionals.

For Transferase (part of the group Sudler & Hennessey): production of the quarterly magazine CardioLabNews on cardiocerebrovascular preventionfor the general practitioner, and of the quarterly Cordialmente CardioLab on cardiocerebrovascular prevention for the general audience, with the respectives websites.